As a printmaker, printing with organic material continues to hold my interest. For years, I have been intrigued with a technique called Eco printing or Eco dyeing but never included it in my practice. It is a process that uses plants and natural dye.
“At its root, eco printing refers to the act of directly applying plants to textiles or paper to alter color, apply color and create interesting designs.” The paper and plants are stacked in layers and then boiled with a mixture of mordents and natural dyes.
This year was the year to finally explore the technique Eco Printing these prints are the results.
Botanical III, 2021
Eco Printing, 6 x 17 inches
Botanical II, 2021
Eco Print, 7 x 15 inches
Botanical IV, 2021
Eco Print, 7 x 15 inches
Botanical I, 2021
Eco Printing, 6 x 17 inches
Botanical V, 2021
Eco Print
Delicate Botanical on Hatakami II, 2021
Eco Print, 10 x 15 inches
Delicate Botanical XVIII, 2021
Eco Print, 10 x 15 inches
Delicate Botanical II, 2021
Eco Dyed Print, 6 x 12 inches
Delicate Botanical III, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 9 inches
Delicate Botanical IV, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 9 inches
Delicate Botanical I, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 9 inches
Delicate Botanical on Hatakami I, 2021
Eco Print, 10 x 15 inches
Delicate Botanical VIIII, 2021
Eco Print, 8 x 15 inches
Delicate Botanical VIII, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 12 inches
Delicate Botanical VII, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 12 inches
Delicate Botanical VI, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 12 inches
Delicate Botanical V, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 12 inches
Delicate Botanical XI, 2021
Eco Print, 8 x 15 inches
Delicate Botanical XII, 2021
Eco Print, 8 x 15 inches
Delicate Botanical XIIII, 2021
Eco Print, 10 x 15 inches
Delicate Botanical XIII
Eco Print, 8 x 15 inches
Delicate Botanical XV, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 9 inches
Delicate Botanical XVII, 2021
Eco Print, 7 x 15 inches
Delicate Botanical XVI, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 9 inches
Delicate Botanical X, 2021
Eco Print, 6 x 12 inches
Delicate Botanicals, 2021
Grouping Eco Dying, 6 x 17 inches each
Delicate Botanical, 2021
Pair Eco Prints, 8 x 15 inches each
Eco Printing with Osage Line
Osage Dyed Botanicals II, 2021
Eco Prints, 10 x 10 inches each
Osage Dyed Botanicals I, 2021
Eco Prints, 10 x 10 inches each
W Botanical Ashen IIII, 2021
Eco Print, 9 x 12 inches
W Botanical Ashen III, 2021
Eco Print, 9 x 12 inches
W Botanical Ashen II, 2021
Eco Print, 9 x 12 inches
W Botanical Ashen I, 2021
Eco Print, 9 x 12 inches